Teeth Whitening in Lahore

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a way to make your teeth look whiter and brighter. It's like giving your teeth a clean, fresh look. You can do this at the dentist's office or at home using special products. The process helps remove stains and discoloration from things like coffee, tea, or smoking, making your teeth shine more. It's a popular and straightforward method to boost your smile's appearance.

In Lahore, Pakistan, teeth whitening services are offered in many dental clinics.

Here’s how it typically works:



You first visit a dentist for an assessment to ensure you're a good candidate for teeth whitening. The dentist will check the health of your teeth and gums.

In-Clinic Whitening

For faster results, you can get your teeth whitened in a dental clinic. The dentist applies a strong whitening gel to your teeth and may use a special light or laser to speed up the whitening process. This usually takes about an hour.

At-Home Whitening Kits

Dentists in Lahore also provide at-home whitening kits. These kits include custom-made trays and a whitening gel. You'll need to apply the gel to the trays and wear them for a specified amount of time each day, usually for a few weeks.

Over-the-Counter Products

Besides professional services, there are various over-the-counter teeth whitening products available in pharmacies and stores in Lahore, like whitening toothpaste, strips, and gels.

The cost and method can vary depending on the clinic and the extent of whitening needed. It’s important to consult with a dentist to choose the most suitable and safe option for teeth whitening.

The cost of teeth whitening in Lahore, Pakistan, can vary depending on the clinic, the type of whitening procedure chosen, and the extent of treatment needed.

Here are some general cost guidelines:


Professional In-Clinic Whitening:

This is usually the most expensive option, with prices typically ranging from PKR 15,000 to PKR 35,000 or more. This type of whitening is done by a dentist and offers immediate and effective results.

At-Home Whitening Kits from a Dentist:

These kits, provided by a dentist for use at home, can cost between PKR 10,000 and PKR 20,000. They include custom-fitted trays and whitening gel.

Over-the-Counter Whitening Products:

These products, such as whitening strips, toothpaste, or gel, are the least expensive options. They can range from PKR 1,000 to PKR 5,000, but they may not be as effective as professional treatments. It's important to note that while over-the-counter products are more affordable, they typically offer less dramatic and slower results compared to professional treatments.

Pros and cons of teeth whitening

Teeth whitening can be a great way to improve the appearance of your smile, but it's important to consider both the benefits and potential drawbacks before proceeding.

Pros of Teeth Whitening


Improved Appearance:

Whitening can significantly enhance the look of your teeth, making them brighter and more attractive.

Boosted Self-Confidence:

With a whiter smile, many people feel more confident and are more willing to smile.

Quick Results:

Professional teeth whitening can provide noticeable results in just one session.


Whitening is a non-invasive procedure, meaning no drilling or cutting is involved, making it a simple way to improve your smile.

Cons of Teeth Whitening


Tooth Sensitivity:

Some people may experience increased tooth sensitivity following whitening treatments, usually temporarily.

Gum Irritation:

The whitening agents can sometimes irritate the gums or cause mild discomfort.

Not Permanent:

Whitening results are not permanent; dietary habits like consuming coffee, tea, or wine can re-stain the teeth over time.

Not Effective on All Teeth:

Whitening treatments may not be effective on all types of discoloration, such as intrinsic stains or discoloration on crowns, veneers, or fillings.


Professional teeth whitening can be expensive, and it’s usually not covered by dental insurance as it’s considered a cosmetic procedure.

Considering these pros and cons can help you decide whether teeth whitening is the right choice for you. It's always best to consult with a dentist to get personalized advice based on your dental health and cosmetic goals.

The cost of teeth whitening in Lahore, Pakistan, can vary depending on the clinic, the type of whitening procedure chosen, and the extent of treatment needed.

Here are some general cost guidelines:

Professional In-Clinic Whitening

This is usually the most expensive option, with prices typically ranging from PKR 15,000 to PKR 35,000 or more. This type of whitening is done by a dentist and offers immediate and effective results.

At-Home Whitening Kits from a Dentist

These kits, provided by a dentist for use at home, can cost between PKR 10,000 and PKR 20,000. They include custom-fitted trays and whitening gel.

Over-the-Counter Whitening Products

These products, such as whitening strips, toothpaste, or gel, are the least expensive options. They can range from PKR 1,000 to PKR 5,000, but they may not be as effective as professional treatments.

It's important to note that while over-the-counter products are more affordable, they typically offer less dramatic and slower results compared to professional treatments.

Who is a good candidate for teeth whitening?

Not everyone is an ideal candidate for teeth whitening. Here are some situations where teeth whitening may not be recommended:

People with Sensitive Teeth and Gums:

Individuals who already have sensitive teeth or gum disease may experience increased discomfort or irritation from whitening treatments.

Children and Young Teenagers:

The whitening process is not usually recommended for children and young teenagers because their teeth are still developing.

Pregnant or Nursing Women:

It’s generally advised that women who are pregnant or breastfeeding avoid teeth whitening due to the lack of research on the effects of whitening substances during these periods.

People with Dental Restorations:

Those with dental restorations like crowns, veneers, or fillings, especially in their front teeth, may find that these restorations do not whiten along with their natural teeth, leading to a mismatched appearance.

Individuals with Deep Stains or Discoloration:

People with intrinsic stains, which are deep within the tooth, may not see significant improvement with standard whitening treatments. These stains are often resistant to the bleaching agents used in whitening procedures.

Those with Tooth Decay or Gum Disease:

Whitening treatments are not suitable for teeth with decay or individuals with active gum disease, as the process can lead to further irritation or discomfort.

Before considering teeth whitening, it’s essential to have a dental examination to determine if it’s suitable for your individual situation. A dentist can assess your oral health and recommend the best course of action based on your specific needs.



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